
Robot love statistics
March 19, 2007, 10:38 pm
Filed under: Events, Karl Marx, Nooooo actual bloooggging, Secularism, Sociology

Astute readers (and those with the ability to scroll down slightly) will remember my paper on Karl Marx and emotional labour that I recently wrote for a sociology course. It turns out that my grandiloquent self-praise was not so overblown as I previously thought. My TA tells me that further research on my topic could be done, perhaps warranting a full-blown study. This left me in a state of shock, to say the least. Updates will be posted as they come.

Now, in the stead of applying my intellect to an appropriate topic at hand, I diverge once more. I should be studying for a statistics test, worth 50% of my mark in the course. Considering that this course is important to my standing in the program as a whole, it is worth approximately 12.465% of my undergraduate career. And yet, I continue to ramble. Keep in mind that I do this for your benefit, and not mine, as the numbers have just proven.

I have been organizing an event for a group which I am increasingly involved with. This event is titled GOD AND EVOLUTION: Is Intelligent Design Ruining Science Education? (Spoiler: Yes.) If you are interested in this event, I highly suggest that you attend – the price is a meagre $4 and the speakers are not being reimbursed for their time. Tickets can be purchased here. Organizing this has been a harrowing endeavor for myself – I would appreciate it if as many people as possible came. Tell your friends! Whore yourself shamelessly! Etc.

One final thing, now that such sordid matters are behind us. My literary fever has struck again – symptoms include headache and neck stiffness. Upon further consideration, this may be some less comical illness that should be diagnosed by a medical profession. My real writing fever has prompted me to begin writing anew. Giraffes have been abandoned, sadly — to languish in the void until I decide to finish their tale. Shortly I will post an excerpt from my most recent attempt. I would appreciate criticism, preferably of the kind that assists me in some manner.

Now, I bid you adieu, returning to a dark cave populated by chi-squares, normal curves, and variables of every shape and size. I only hope that you must never follow me into this cave — for it consumes all who enter, without exception.

Bomb. Repeat. Bomb.
February 26, 2007, 4:50 pm
Filed under: Music, Sociology

I have heard the new Ted Leo album. Oh yes, I have heard it. I have accomplished this feat through certain underground internets. I apologize to Ted, but I will likely purchase the album when it does finally arrive via legitimate channels. As well, I will be viewing him in concert for the second time, something which is rarely done. Such is the majesty this man exudes, accompanied by his coterie of pharmacists.

Yesterday I finished what might be called an opinion piece on the well-known topic of Marxian theory. In said paper, I attempted something that I have often striven for yet never achieved – I have coined a phrase. The phrase in question became the title of the paper, dragging the initial thesis off course greatly. Despite this, I stand by it as a phrase that could be used in papers, books, etc.

“Diversity of ruin” – it describes the myriad ways in which modern workers are alienated from their means of livelihood.

I would explain in greater detail, but it would be in such terms that neither you nor I would be likely to understand.

November 30, 2006, 6:11 pm
Filed under: Max Weber, Serious business, Sociology
